Are Weekends Wrecking Your Diet?

It’s Friday morning and you’re sitting in your cubicle daydreaming about happy hour. By that night you[…]

5 Reasons Why Every RADical Should Run A 5K

If you can walk, then you can run. And, if you can hit five sales in one[…]

Laugh Your Butt Off: 5 Reasons Why Laughter Is Good For Your Health!

Did you know that being silly is healthy?! I do. As a certified class clown turned FitGirl[…]

3 Tips To Eat Carbs & Keep Your Waistline Tight

Gone are the days of low carb diets. Let the church say, “Amen!” Just like peasant tops,[…]

Breakfast: Still The Most Important Meal!

Feeling sluggish around 3pm again? Forget the remote, have you any idea where you put that H&M[…]

Sweat Your Way To Healthy Skin

Trying to figure out how that girl three cubicles down maintains her dewey luminous skin as if[…]