Day 9: Berry Easy Breezy

Get your daily dose of antioxidants in this berry easy recipe. This is a great twist on[…]

Day 8: Strawberry Shortcake

Yo! You will never eat a real strawberry shortcake again after you try this RAD smoothie. Shortbread[…]

Day 7: Dance To The Beet!

Ooohlala I love this smoothie. Not only is the color super RAD, but beets are known to[…]

Day 6: Peanut Butter Jelly Time

This childhood treat was my favorite then and is still my favorite now. However this smoothie may[…]

Day 5: Strawberry Coconut Water

Not a fan of coconut water? Well you will be a fan of this. This smoothie is[…]

Day 4: I Aint Gonna Lie, I Love Sweet Potato Pie

Your favorite holiday dessert is even RADder as a smoothie. Let the church say Amen! Don’t believe[…]