My Natural Hair Saved My Life: An Open Letter To Miss Jessie’s Titi Branch

That moment when you want to cry, know you should cry, but a lump in your throat[…]

20 Gift Ideas For The FitGirl On Your List

Sweat is her middle name and fitness fashion is her game. Sound like your fitness fanatic friend?[…]

Sweaty & Sassy: 13 Signs That You May Be A Mean Girl In The Gym

I love people watching and while I’m bit of a gym rat (by default boo, I work there) I[…]

FitGirl Talk With Natasha Hastings: 10 Tips To Being Just As Strong As An Olympic Athlete

Natasha Hastings is her name and sprinting is her game! I’m a recreational runner, so you know I[…]

Forever Young: 7 Healthy Ways To Prevent Aging

Growing old is inevitable, but we have more control than we think ladies. From the minute you[…]

Change Your Mood With Food: 5 Common Problems & Delicious Ways To Fix Them

Before you open up your medicine cabinet, step into your kitchen. It’s no secret that food can[…]