#4 Tell Your Other Workouts To Take A Hike & Dance Your Way To Pilates

“I’ve never met anybody who’s taken Pilates and doesn’t understand their own body better afterward,” Washington told Women’s Health recently. Known for teaching body awareness, reducing stress, and helping with body image issues- Pilates is a perfect low impact (yet powerful) workout worth exploring. I actually spend my play money once a week on a private Pilates session, however most gyms offer Pilates mat classes on their regular schedule. Couple this with the fact that Pilates DVD’s are plentiful and you really don’t have an excuse not to sweat like Liv.

Not into Pilates? Well mix things up like Kerry and commit to doing things that make you feel good (not just look good). Outside of Pilates our favorite “Scandal” star also tones and burns with hiking and dance classes. Oohlala, sounds like a RAD mix to me!



#5 Think Of The Wine Glass Half Full

You are what you eat, however what you eat shouldn’t be all that you are. I love how Liv always winds down with a glass of wine at night (too the rim often…however that’s not my point). Wine, when drunk in moderation, has tons of health benefits and my takeaway every episode is “she is living her life on her terms…good for her!” And I encourage you to do the same. Obsessing about food is not only grounds for other issues (think disordered eating) but makes life so unnecessarily stressful too. Everything in moderation and a positive attitude about food is a much better route. Think of the wine glass half full and take the time to say “cheers” to yourself every now and then…just like Liv.


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