Strength For Your Weaknesses: 6 Keys To A Balanced & Well-Stretched Body

I know all too well how annoying and painful muscular imbalances (when one muscle basically overpowers and[…]

Happy Birthday FLOTUS! 5 Tips to Stay Fit and Fine at Fifty

Hands down, no questions asked our first lady Michelle Obama is simply the best. So on her[…]

Put Your Money Where Your Sweat Is: 3 Ways Money Can Help You Lose Weight

Do you love money? And are you for real for real determined to lose weight this year?[…]

Change Your Mood With Food: 5 Common Problems & Delicious Ways To Fix Them

Before you open up your medicine cabinet, step into your kitchen. It’s no secret that food can[…]

The Pros And Cons Of America’s Most Popular Diets

According to data from Experian Marketing Services, the most popular day to search for a diet is[…]

Calling All Swingers: Why You Should Work Out With Kettlebells

Over the past few years, kettlebells have taken the fitness industry by storm! Swingers all over the land are[…]